Holiday Bonus: One Small Visit with Anisha Abraham and Jo Chim (Copy)


We’re so excited to bring you a special holiday episode that will hopefully uplift your spirits like it did ours!

I got a chance to sit down and chat with Anisha Abraham MD, MPH, a pediatrician and author of Raising Global Teens- A Practical Handbook For Parenting In The 21st Century, and Jo Chim, an actress turned producer, director, writer and Head of HK Creative Studio at EF Education First (I remember her from the classic film Mean Girls;)).

They are the dynamic team behind the short live action film #OneSmallVisit, which is currently in the running for the #oscars short list! 

It is a sweet film about my Anisha’s parents visit to #NeilArmstrongs childhood home in the 1960’s, right after the moon landing, and the beautiful impact it had on both families.

#OneSmallVisit reminds us to keep believing in coming together because fundamentally, we have a lot more in common than we have differences.

It’s a story of hope, shared humanity, and how small acts of openness and kindness can make a difference. 

Congrats to the entire team and good luck on the voting this week!

Our holiday special bonus episode is out now anywhere you get your podcasts!

#southasiantrailblazers #southasianvoices #indianimmigrants #immigrationstories #weareone #noborders #moonlanding #tuckeredoutwithami #tuckeredoutpodcast


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